Terror Tales from Oklahoma

Posted by Christine
That would be me in the picture. Devoured by mice. Okay well. Actually, it’s Xerxes as rendered by the faboo Edward Gorey in his little alphabetical work of genius, The Gashlycrumb Tinies or: After the Outing. Twenty-six tots, one for each letter of the alphabet, all perishing in grisly ways…
“A is for Amy who fell down the stairs. B is for Basil, assaulted by bears…”
I love Halloween. I admit it. I love horror movies. Because…I love to be scared. Safely scared. I want to cringe and scream and cover my eyes…and then peek, of course.
And scream some more. All in the comfort of my theater seat. With a giant Diet Pepsi and a large popcorn. Extra butter flavoring, please.
When I was a kid, I loved Trick-or-Treating. I loved the having-my-mother-make-my-costume-to-order part. And I loved the actual walking around in said costume, ringing doorbells. Getting candy. The whole social thing. Kids in white sheets and black witch’s hats wandering up and down my neighborhood streets. I didn’t care that there was no trickery involved anymore. Just the treat part was fine with me.
My parents love to tell the story of my first Trick-or-Treat. They took me to the first house. I rang the bell. When the lady answered, I went in and sat on her couch. I thought it was a visit. A costumed visit. Hey. Why not?
And then when I was in kindergarten and had my first boyfriend, Johnny Garcia, (When it comes to love, start early. That would be my advice.) we went Trick-or-Treating together. I still remember him ringing one particular doorbell. From within, a woman’s voice called, “Who’s there?” And Johnny said, “Just me and my girlfriend.”
Oh, yeah. Nothin’ like Halloween and young love.
Nowadays, we don’t get a lot of Trick-or-Treaters. People don’t want their kids having all that candy. They worry about their kids’ safety in these troubled times. They take them to Halloween night gatherings at their churches or some public facility.
And my own kids are past the Trick-or-Treating years. Okay. I miss that. But I’ll be here at my house, with a big bowl of candy. Watching a horror flick, waiting for the doorbell to ring…
How about you? Halloween plans?