Vampires and Werewolves and Witches...oh, my!
Posted by Christine

Yes, it’s true. I love the supernatural. I adore paranormals, especially the dark ones. I don’t mind a little humor—as long as it’s suitably dry and bleak and dripping type O.
I’ve loved the supernatural pretty much all my reading—and viewing life. Grew up watching Dark Shadows and Thriller and Twilight Zone. And I wasn’t even born at the time. ;)
I remember the first time I read Bram Stoker’s Dracula. The evil vampire sisters, the sight of Dracula crawling up that castle wall, sticking to it like a spider…I shiver still—in delight—at the memory of devouring those passages.
I have a first edition of Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire. Read a review of it in the L.A. Times and knew I had to have it.
Though Hunky Mensa Man is not a paranormal fan, second son, the J, is. I’ll never forget watching the whole cannon of Buffy reruns on the WB at five-thirty in the morning—one show a day over breakfast—before I would drive the J to band practice at the crack of dawn. By the time he was old enough to drive himself, we’d seen every installment of every season. Yes, it’s true. Buffy not only guarded the Hellmouth, she helped me bond with my younger son.
As to what’s out there now for your paranormal reading pleasure. Lately, I’ve read and adored…
The Turning by Jennifer Armintrout
Moon Called by Patricia Briggs
The first four Women of the Otherworld books by Kelley Armstrong
Looking forward to reading…
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
The JR Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood books.
Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh
How about you? What’s your reading pleasure? Got a great book to recommend? If it’s fantastic, it doesn’t even have to be paranormal. I want to know what books I can’t miss…
Like Susan, I am reading the new Nora series and it is a bit scary. I heard that book 2 is even more intense, I may need to read it in total light. :) I am not a big paranormal fan, but I did love Buffy - like you Christine, I got hooked watching it in the morning before work. I am currently reading a Sil. Bombshell series - the Madonna Key, which is paranormal in a way (dealing with Ley lines, psychic abilities, etc.) It is very good, I would highly recommend them. Of course, there is also the Mary Janice Davidson series, Undead, a very campy look at vampires - The first, Undead and Unwed says it all.
Well, I've always loved paranormals. Dark or light, I love going just 'beyond the veil'. Used to just devour Barbara Michaels ghost stories!
TWILIGHT was great, not so much on THE TURNING...Love Kim Harrison's series starting with DEAD WITCH WALKING.
Nora's latest, is of course, FABULOUS and can't wait to get my mitts on the second book.
Read a book called THE MIRROR, by Marlys Millheiser about fifteen years ago, and that one has totally stayed with me.
Frankly, I so don't get the blood thing. That said, I've really enjoyed some vamp books lately.
TWILIGHT by Stephanie Meyer
Charlaine Harris's mysteries
The J.R. Ward Brotherhood series
On the non-vamp end
Meg Cabot's Mediator series (YA) about a girl who can see ghosts
Ooh, Christie. I LOVE the Mediator series AND Sookie Stackhouse!
Normally, the horny vampire trail is not one I like taking. But I do like paranormals and there are so many different ones out there to choose from!!
I think I do love the intensity of dark paranormals now. The...not-politically-correct aspect of them. They're so...wild and untamed and the heroes tend to be about as Alpha as a male can get. Susan and I discussed this recently, that in a way, the new dark, hot paranormals now have the same rugged, in-your-face testostorone-driven energy that historicals had several years ago.
Cady, hey! I've heard about the Madonna Key series. I'll have to check that one out.
And one can never miss with Nora.
Christie, bought Twilight when you mentioned you were reading it. I should get to it soon. Yay!
Maureen, yes! I am going to read the Kim Harrison books. Heard nothing but terrific buzz on them.
I read Bram Stoker's Dracula when I was 12 and that probably explains a lot about me. But having said that, I really didn't get the whole vampire/paranormal craze until I read a few of the lighter ones. Katie McAllister and MaryJanice Davidson. Then JR Ward came along and now Nora's latest, and I'm sold!
I really liked Meg's Mediator series, too. And I just ordered Teresa Madeiros's latest vampire historical. Anybody read that one yet? It sounds yummy! Uh, you'll pardon the expression.
oh, yeah, Kate. The Teresa Medeiros one sounds excellent.
And thanks, everyone! I'm so keeping a list...
The only one I hadn't heard of was that one Maureen mentioned, The Mirror. Off to look it up...
Okay, found it. 119 positive reviews on Amazon. Wow!
ordering it...
That's so cool, Chris! You'll have to let me know what you think. The Mirror is VERY different. But it's still with me all these years later, and that's saying something!
My friend recently got me hooked on the Dark Hunter novels by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Of course, some are better than others, but the one I started with (not #1 in the "series" of course) was Night Pleasures. Kyrian's story. He was so awesome. :) And as I'm one who loves the secondary characters, I loved his back-talking Squire, Nick, almost as much.
Buffy's good at bonding people. Buffy drew my husand and I together. :)
Maureen, it really is saying something that that book still "Haunts" you--har, har.
Can't wait to get reading...
sunnibrook, that *is* fascinating. Buffy for bonding! Husbands and wives, mothers and sons. Love it!
The Mirror by Marlys Millheiser is one of the few books that I have read several times and plan to read again. As Maureen said, it haunted me after the first reading, and I couldn't find it again for a long time, but thanks to the internet I found it again. My daughter loved it too, 25 years ago, but won't read it again because it is too "scary and awful, but awesome," now that she is 48 years old!
I lost the first two copies I owned (loaned them out), but have another copy now!
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