A Business Plan for Me!

Posted by Kate
Lately, I’ve read a number of articles written by people I admire, telling me how and why I should create a business plan for my writing career.
So I did it. I wrote a business plan.
I started with a mission statement. You do this by asking yourself questions, like, Why are you a writer? What kind of books do you write? Who’s your intended audience? Why should they read your book when they could be reading someone else’s?
So here’s my mission statement. I write smart, funny books that make people laugh and cry and when they get to the end they smile through their tears and say “Damn, I wish she’d write faster.”
Then I worried that my mission statement wasn’t business-like enough. Maybe I should try to be more profound. Like, maybe I should write books that are thought-provoking and emotionally rich. Maybe my books should stimulate intellectual discourse between the reader and the community.
Or maybe not.
I mean, if somebody reads my book and tells me they laughed and cried all the way through, I'd probably be the happiest writer in the world.
I know it’s important to have goals and the determination to meet them, but I’m not sure if a business plan will help me accomplish them any more than a vivid imagination and a good calendar with clearly marked deadlines can. To each her own business plan, I guess.
Just to be sure, I solicited another opinion and asked a published author friend about her business plan and mission statement. After she finished mocking me, she had to hang up because she had to finish writing her book.
So after much deliberation, I have determined that my Business Plan for 2007 will consist of the following:
* A good calendar (for marking deadlines and fun stuff)
* Daily affirmations repeated over and over until I believe them (I am an award-winning writer with dozens of fabulous story ideas)
* Visualizations (Hefty checks arrive weekly in my mailbox and Rabid fans are clamoring for my next book)
* I will chant skyclad once a month under the full moon
Seriously, if you want to learn the right way to create a business plan, see Mary Castillo’s article in this month’s Orange Blossom newsletter, or you can visit Stephanie Bond’s website, which has lots of good articles dealing with the business of writing.
So what’s your plan for 2007? Do you believe in affirmations? And when was the last time you danced skyclad under the full moon?
Kate: The problem with the business plan is that the publishing world has never seemed quite in step with ones I've made!
I just bought a new desk calendar Friday (Surfer Guy gave me a wall calendar called "Able Bodies" for Christmas). I have deadlines to put in it. I will use it to track my page output and my check input. That's as business-y as my "plan" gets these days.
I have used affirmations and I like them. But often I get into the middle of the book and forget using them because I'm so absorbed in my story (or absorbed by how I'm not producing enough pages!). I hope to do better with them this year. I think they do quiet the chaos that can overtake my mind.
I'm familiar with that chaos that takes over the mind, Christie. That's why I'm always trying to organize things, to little avail.*g*
And yeah, the publishing world has no respect for my well-thought-out plans! I was going through some papers and saw a "business plan" I wrote out a few years ago. It said "write a proposal every month and sell to Harlequin." LOL
*So what’s your plan for 2007?*
I'm not a writer as you can tell. I just want to live a good life and read so many more books LOL
I read 170 but would love to read more but I'll be lucky to read 125 this year. RL is going to interfere with my reading.
Hurry I'd love to read at one of yours Kate. I hope next year--you too, huh :)
Hi Barbs! Yep, that's my wish, too! Thanks!
I think your plan to live a good life and read lots of books sounds ideal! I'm hoping to increase my reading this year, too. I've started writing down the titles so I can have some idea of how I'm doing.
P.S. Our friends Susan, Maureen and Christine are at plot group in Las Vegas for a few days so we might not hear from them until they're back...if they're willing to share what happened in Vegas...
A plot group in Vegas?? Hey, how do we get an invite? :)
For my business plan I'm using an excel spreadsheet to track everything from my daily writing to all exepenses from office supplies to mileage to/from my monthly chapter meetings. I love your idea of daily affirmations...and a mission statement. My goal tomorrow is to get both!
Skyclad under a full moon? Well there was that one night while in Navy training school where me and a few friends started out in a bar in San Diego and woke up on a beach in Mexico...evil grin
A plot group in Vegas?? Hey, how do we get an invite? :)
For a business plan I'm using an excel spreadsheet to track everything from my daily writing to all exepenses from office supplies to mileage to/from chapter meetings. I love your idea of daily affirmations...and a mission statement. My goal tomorrow is to get both!
Skyclad under a full moon? Well, there was that one night while in Navy training school that me and some friends started in a bar in San Diego and ended up on a beach in Mexico...evil grin!
Christie...was up until 1 am Sat night to finish NOT ANOTHER NEW YEAR'S...loved it!!! And thanks for adding Troy and Dez's story in there too...what a wonderful treat!
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