Successful Getaway

Surfer Guy and I went away for the first time alone since our kids were born. I told that to several people while we were gone (for a mere two days)—well, I told it to everyone I met, it was that much on my mind!—and Surfer Guy kept denying it. No, no, he said, we’ve been away before.
Um, no. Never together. He’s gone on surfing or ski trips. I’ve been to writer’s conferences or on girls’ getaways. Last summer Son 1 stayed home for one night alone before I came back from the RWA conference in Atlanta, but Son 2 was with Surfer Guy. Before we left on this trip, I was a little concerned. What if we had nothing to say to each other? What if we were bored without some child complaining about being bored?
Well, not to worry. We had a fab time. Maybe it was Malibu. It was cold, but so clear that you could pick out each grain of sand. We stayed on the beach both nights. Right on the beach. The first night we stayed in the “John Travolta suite” at the only B&B on Carbon Beach…aka Billionaire’s Beach. Apparently John spent three months in the same room we were in after he made his first movie. There’s a photo of him in the room holding the owner’s cat. The next night we stayed up the beach aways…again right on the sand, again, with a fireplace and the sound of the surf soothing us all night long.
We walked along the beach, hiked into the canyons, shopped at the surf stores (Surfer Guy loved that, natch), gawked at the incredible homes. The owner of the B&B, Charlou, 86 years young, drove us up to an overlook so we could check out Mel Gibson’s complex and Britney Spears’s house. But we never spotted one celebrity (unless dolphins at dawn count). That was okay. It was novel enough that we were together alone.
And did I mention this? My next three books are set in Malibu! We’ll be going back for more “research.”
Do you have a particularly memorable vacation or getaway? Now that I’ve done this once, I’m thinking I can tear myself away from the kids again and so I need ideas!
Oh, Christie. It just sounds marvelous! I love Malibu. Back when I lived in Hollywood, I used to love to go there in the evening, to eat at one of those restaurants near the beach.
I won't say where I like to get away. Susan always scoffs. But there are healing waters there and all variety of massages, hot mud treatments and etc. And good restaurants, too. HMM and I have been there twice and loved it.
We also love New Orleans. We like to stay in the Garden District. Haven't been there since Katrina, but one of these days...
So glad you had a successful getaway!
DH and I were married for 9 years before we had kids--we took some amazing vacations. San Francisco, New Orleans...St. Louis, Orlando, Minneapolis...Gulf coast of Alabama and Florida...Oh yeah, those were the days!
Have a wonderful Christmas Holiday!
If DH is on his game, I will have many of your wonderful books to read!
Great ideas, everyone! We just have to get Surfer Guy's back into the condition that it can handle some long plane rides. Portland for Chinese food wouldn't be much longer than the drive up to Malibu, though.
Chris, what place do you go that Susan scoffs? 'Fess up.
can't name the place. Sorry. It just wouldn't be right. And really, she doesn't scoff so much as snicker.
Then again, Christie....maybe at the annual Ridgway/Rimmer autographing for literacy party at RWA national. Yes, everyone. They put on a literacy autographing at the national convention just so Christie and I can catch up! ;)
Chris, remember I'm bringing martinis to our next gabfest. That'll get you to tell all...
Okay, if I get martini. But then you'll probably be snickering, too.
And then Maureen will make me tell her. And then Kate.
All my friends. Snickering.
But that's okay. I'll just have another martini!
Christie, it sounds like a wonderful getaway! Even though it's just a few miles away from me, it's a different world! And I'm glad the weather cooperated.
I can't wait to read this next series of yours!
Hey Chris, I think we need to know about this place! And martinis at the literacy signing? How civilized!!
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