Me and My Big, Fat TV...

Posted by Christine
May I just begin by saying, it’s all Susan’s fault. Yes. Our Susan. Fabulous Susan. With the amazing skin and the equally uncanny ability to write way more excellent books in any given time period than should be humanly possible…
Our sweet Susan. She’s the one. She got me started. She told me all about her big-screen TV.
It was years ago. Six, seven, at least. Probably more. During an innocent phone convo, Susan just happened to mention that she and her DH had a big-screen TV. In fact, they had a room they used just for watching movies. They watched…DVDs. At the time, we had two VCRS in our house, but no DVD players. The whole idea of watching a DVD just seemed so futuristic and fantastical. Yes, it’s amazing, isn’t it? How fast technology changes these days.
Now we have TIVO and DVRs. Everything’s digital and, even more wonderful, user-friendly. Wow.
Anyway, back then, long before the dawn of time, Susan told me about her big-screen TV. And I went in my living room and saw the wood-veneer 24-incher that was older than the J and thought, “Hmm. Are there possibilities I haven’t been considering here?”
A week later, Hunky Mensa Man and I went to one of those big electronic warehouse stores. We saw our first 65-inch television. It was love. For both of us.
We brought that baby home. We kicked the old 24-incher to the curb. Since then, we’ve been watching our movies mostly at home, DVDs we order from Netflix or find browsing at the local video store. The ones we love, we buy. Our movie library is growing.
These days, I must confess, I mostly wait until a movie comes to video to watch it. I hardly ever go to movie theaters anymore. My friends try to remind of the whole “community experience” feeling of watching a film in a movie theater. Oh, hello. I’m sorry. Mostly, I find that movie theaters are good places to catch a cold. I mean, why is it that people with upper respiratory ailments just have to go to the theater where they can hack and cough on everyone else? And why is it that so many people in theaters insist on talking when the rest of us are trying to watch the movie? What is that about?
Uh-uh. I’m home, thank you. In front of my giant-sized TV, comfy in an old pair of sweats, with a big bowl of popcorn I popped up myself. I’m sure this is more proof of the death of civilization as we have known it. But hey. I’m lovin’ it while it lasts.
And you? Do you still go to the movies? Do you love it, still? Why? I need more reasons to get out of my sweats and off my comfy couch. And you know, if you’re like me and you love watching your movies at home, say so. I also like to be right. I like that a lot.
Oh, and if you haven’t already, don’t forget to vote!
Oh, Susan. How can someone so seemingly sweet be so totally diabolical?
I believe a visit to home electronis store is in my near future...
Christine, I haven't been to the movies since The Legend of Bagger Vance was out. But that is a bit misleading as I haven't seen a new release in about 2 1/2 years. Just can't seem to devout 2 or sometimes 3 hours to it. I do like going to the movies (rather than watching at home) if for nothing else, you can't get movie popcorn anywhere else. :)
We did go out and get an HDTV. Wow, it is crisp. Mainly we are watching our sports and some PBS on it. But wow, you can really see those guys play.
Hmmm. Cady, good point. It's also a time issue, isn't it? There are simply not the hours in a day for a lot of activities we once enjoyed...
Don't let Surfer Guy here all this big screen/flat screen talk! He drools as we walk past them at Costco.
We hardly ever go to the movies anymore. Once or twice a year we'll go on a jag and see 3 movies in a week (usually at Christmas or summer when the biggies show up) and then that'll do us until the next year. We are buying a lot of DVDs, though.
You guessed it, a lot of them are surf movies!
Yes...let's all not forget to vote!
Ah Chris.....nope, I don't do movies in the theatre anymore either! Last time I went, someone came in, sat right behind the DH and I and started eating his SUSHI!! Oh my yes, nothing like the smell of fish to get you into the romantic comedy spirit!!
We watch DVD's all the time. Buffy, Angel, Stargate, Dead Zone. And like Cady, I don't watch as many movies as I used to. It's the time thing....
oh yeah, forgot to say...if you haven't done it yet...GO VOTE!
Going to the movies is so spendy nowadays, it's almost not worth it. We did go see Pirates II, which we didn't like all that well, and of course we saw all Lord of the Rings movies and my hubby dragged me to the Star Wars trio. We mostly just go to the theater to see the biggies.
We do take KJ, our 5-year-old girl, to the theater when something good is out. She saw the Winnie the Pooh Heffalump movie right before daughter #2 was born, and she's seen Chicken Little and we took her to see Cars. She loves going to the theater and we love taking her. It's a fun family thing and something we can do with just her since MJ (#2) is only 1-1/2 and not quite ready for the theater.
Oh, argh. Maureeeen. Sushi in a movie theater. Now that is just wrong.
Sunnibrook, you bring back memories. When the kids were little, we went to the movie often. Saw some terrific animated films I would otherwise never have seen. THE LION KING and TOY STORY come immediately to mind. What great movies!
I haven't been to the movies since....I can't remember. Maybe we saw the last James Bond...but I'm not sure. So I guess it's been a few years. We just can't seem to get the energy up to drive to the mall and pay for parking and fight the crowds and pay for tickets I sounding old? Because I'm really not! Much.
And I agree with Susan, a good flat screen makes everything so much prettier!
Sushi??????? In a theater????Noooo!!!! LOLOL
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