About That Tiara...

Posted by Christine
Come to think of it, I did have a tiara once. It was bejeweled, as are all tiaras. And, as I recall, sprinkled with stars.
It was presented to me by the Sacramento Chapter of Romance Writers of America a few years ago when I went there to speak. (It was an all day workshop on Setting. Some people even stayed awake. Mwahaha.)
That tiara had a train. A tulle train. Isn’t that what they call that netting-looking stuff that they make bridal veils out of? I mean, out of which they make bridal veils?
Anyway, the train was pink and purple, also sprinkled with little stars. I went to see my mom right after I gave the workshop and thus had the tiara with me. My mom just loved it. She was eyeing it for her purple room.
Yes. That’s what I said. Her purple room.
The purple room is my mom’s meditation room. It’s in the basement of her house in the mountains and it is seriously purple. My mom loves purple. In this room she keeps all kinds of treasures, little figurines and bits of crystal and stuff. There are also tomes on personal growth, religion and just generally the search for enlightenment. In this room, she writes poems and in her journal and she prays. And meditates. I believe, to my mom, prayer and meditation are the same thing. But don’t quote me on that. Ask my mom.
The purple room is simply uplifting. My mom is very into spiritual growth. So what happened to me? Well, this is probably not the place to go into that…
Back to the purple room. And the tiara I had once.
So during that visit to the Sacramento Chapter and the mountains of my childhood, I slept in the purple room. I think I found enlightenment. In my dreams. Unfortunately, then I woke up…
And when I woke up, I saw the tiara dripping stars and tulle, hanging across the room where I’d draped it attractively the night before. And I remembered my sweet mom, oohing and ahhing over the thing and, well, I started thinking it would only get crushed in my suitcase.
So I gave it to her.
And I’m doing fine without it. After all, I still have the banner my friend Susan Crosby made for me back when I left California for the wide open spaces of where I live now (hint: where the wind comes whistlin’ down the plains…)
That banner proudly proclaims me a Member Emeritus (that would be of the Sacramento Valley Rose RWA chapter). As well as Queen of the World. In pink. With hearts…
Can’t go far wrong with a banner—or a friend—like that.
So I’m giving up all future requests for a tiara. I’ll just look at my banner when I want to feel regal. It should do fine.
And Kate, here’s a little beefcake to, er, beef up our blog:

Susan, yeah. Deep. But you know, also true! I do want the story more than the thing. Always. Except for actual jewelry. I'd rather have a really good watch with diamonds from, say, Cartier, than a story about a watch--any day. I mean, you can wear a watch all the time. A tiara, hmm. Not so much...
Yummy beefcake!
Wow, Chris!! I had no idea that tiaras had such an effect on us!! You look about six years old in that photo!! =)
Gorgeous hunk of a wet man, too. Thanks for that nice way to wake up!
Love your mom's purple room too and you're a very nice daughter to donate the tiara--but I think we all need to wear tiaras all the time...remind everyone that we're ALL princesses!!
Hi ladies,
Okay, other than the fact I can't SEE the beefcake (maybe because I am -- shhhhh -- reading this at work), I am loving this place! So much talent in this little corner of the blog world...it's wonderful!
I found you via Susan's website because after discovering her for the first time in Atlanta (yes, I am that s-l-o-w) I am totally in love with her books! Right now Nic Giovanni is driving me crazy and making my own heroes a bit upset because I want to spend more time with him than with them!
Maureen...you are a long time favorite of mine...your USMC series is one of my favorites (seeing how my husband is a former Marine) and I gushed over your Lonergan's series on the eharlequin message boards!
Christine...I love your Bravo series but I never realized how many there were – thanks for the booklist on your website! Oh, and a family tree would be wonderful!!
Kate...congratulations on your 2006 Golden Heart! Your website is wonderful, your writing is amazing and I know I’ll be toasting your first sale any day now!
So, I like it here. Can I stay?
PS – I’ll be back tonight – maybe I can see the beefcake then!
Oh, please stay! LOL....soo happy you found us! (And thanks for the gushing over the Lonergans!!)
And the beefcake is well worth waiting for! Nothing quite like a mostly naked wet man....
Waa. blogger ate my comment! I'm trying again...
Christyne! Hello. Thanks for the kind words--and yes, please. You must hang with us. And re the beefcake, when you get to a computer where you can see him, be sure to click on him so you can see him...fullsize. ;) As Jennifer said, Yum-my!
And Maureen, why yes. I do look quite young in that picture. And I notice my eyes have even turned blue. And yes, I suppose you have a point that we *are* princesses and we need our tiaras to keep us mindful of that fact.
WOW! Chris, I clicked on that guy and the full size is even better!! =)
Oh yeah, Chris?? I totally think you should be in charge of the beefcake around here!
Gosh Chris, you had me at 'all-day setting workshop' but it didn't stop there! You did pictures!! I'm so impressed! Of course, you realize I expect to see a gorgeous wet man every time you blog now. Actually, wet or dry is fine. No pressure.
The story of your mother's purple room is amazing. I felt enlightened just reading about it, and how lovely that you gave her your tiara! Of course, you'll need a new one now.....
Christyne! Hello and welcome and gosh, thanks for stopping by my website!! And yes, please stay! We're having so much fun! Oh, and I completely agree with you about Nic Giovanni and the Marcellis. Have you read the latest, The Marcelli Bride? I swear it's one of the best I've read in years!!
Okay, I'm off to see if I can make the wet guy bigger. Did I say that right?
Hi all,
Ah, yes...I have visuals now!! Love the tiara Christine and beefcake...wow, wet or dry is great!!
Thanks for the warm welcome! Only in the world of romance can I 'hang out' with such wonderful authors and ladies! I am looking forward to lots of fun and alot of learning about this joyous and crazy world of romance writing!
I must tell you Susan...I am not happy with Nic's plans at the moment! ;) Can't wait to see how this story ends up! (Loving the scenes with Joe too!!) I know I will be up late tonight in order to read the HEA.
No, Kate I haven't read The Marcelli Bride yet...I have it of course and then set it aside to read the others in order! As soon as I read Navy SEAL on the black cover I picked it up right away. Besides my former Marine/retired Air Force hubby, I am former Navy and an Air Force brat...military heroes are my favorites with cowboys coming in a very close second!!
PS - I've got great beef-- ah, research material on my laptop...maybe I can share him-- er, them-- er the objects one day!
Christyne, yes! A beefcake resource--I mean research resource! Yes, we would love it if you'd share. Send me an email via my website www.christinerimmer.com and I'll get back to you to receive the...materials. And of course, when I post him, er, them, I'll give you credit for supplying us with inspiration and great research material...
Ooh la la!!!! Where do I find one like him?
Nice photo!
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